Friday, January 13, 2012

Now Go...Do...Be!

One of my personal catch phases in the social media space is "Now Go...Do...Be!"  Four words, two ellipses which represent an incomplete thought or action to be completed with imagination and an exclamation mark. 

This mantra has meant a lot to me over the years.  It has helped me overcome persistent procrastination, mediocrity and unfounded delays. 

The "Now Go" is a call for immediate action in any form and in any direction. "Now Go" requires courage and humility.  Courage to change your current state to something different. Humility to get out of your own way and do something...anything. 

"Do" gives direction and thought to your activities.  In order to "Do" something you have to have some idea about how to begin and what to expect.  "Do" for yourself and others. "Do" what you were born to do and "Do" it positively and to the best of your abilities.  Do not complain or make excuses for your ability to "Do".

"Be" is a state of ownership, accountability and steward ship in what you "Do". "Be" the best unapologetically. Exist in the now and own the future by being what it is you were called to do.  "Be" bold and confident.  "Be" yourself.

Tweet Your Way to the Top

Information is in high demand.  However, no one has time to read.  When decisions need to be made information must be given but if there is no time to read the details what do you do?  Tweet!  What did you say? Your boss doesn't use Twitter?  The wouldn't know how to even get stated I bet and you certainly do not have to teach them.  So how can you Tweet, get the information out and include the pertinent details.

Use email as Twitter.  Send out short messages.  Even if you have need a string of tweets in one email do that.  Use the subject as your hash tag and add links, to detailed documents and photos.

Here's and example.

  • I am not the authority on the subject but I have access to the approved documentation.  (Link)  The answer to your question is in section 6.3.

  • The prototype is a bit off center but it gives you an idea of the magnitude of the project. (photo)

  • If you have any questions feel free to contact me at (999) 555-5555.

Each line is within the 140 character limit.  This message is easy to read on any mobile device and the links can provide extra detail.  Adding the phone number makes it easy to get the recipient directly to you.

Also speak in tweets.  Short statements are easier to decipher and media ready in most cases.  Celebrities and politicians have mastered the art of speaking in sound bites for interviews.  Think of speaking in tweets as the equivalent.

For job seekers, develop a "twesume" for those elevator speeches about who you are and what you do.  Include your personal website at the end for an added impression.  Have you ever had someone say you need to be able to articulate what you do in 30 seconds or less. Well twit-speak can help.

Are you the in a meeting with Mr. or Ms. Cut Me Off or have you heard "I don't mean to cut you off, but…?"  Well we've all been there.  Long statements just seem to bore people and they either lose focus or change the subject in the middle of your statement.  If you speak in short bursts and occasionally leave them with a source for more detail or justification for your statement, that leave a much better impression.

There are many uses for twit-speak.  Use your followers on twitter to help you perfect your voice in 140 characters or less.  Leave some of your applications of twit-speak in the comments section.  140 characters or less please.  #twitspeak @marvwhitejr

Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Birthday?

Today is my birthday. A national holiday of sorts. I'm kind of a big deal if you haven't noticed. Anyway, birthdays are fun and I am thankful for the well wishes and family gatherings to honor the day I was born. Now I'm over 30 with two small children of my own and a wife. I am just glad to be around and do not want anyone to make a fuss over my birthday. I would much rather take the kids out of preschool and go to the zoo or their favorite kids "fun place" for pizza and sodas. I think unfulfilled dreams and impatience has a part to play in this feeling. I need to decide am I getting older or better. Right now I'm on a good roll. I'm getting closer but I feel like I'm down 20 in a basketball game at the start of halftime. Achieving my goals is attainable but its going to take focus...unrelenting focus! Its also going to take some mistakes by the other side. I am focused. The other side (creditors, government, economy, weight, home repairs, cars, money, politicians, market, etc.) is making mistakes in many cases. Now is my time to seize the day! Because I'm 33 I can not help but be reminded of Jesus and when he realized the height of his power. It was not when he was baptized or performed his first miracles, it is after he died and rose again with all power! Don't get me wrong I am not wishing physical death on myself! I am wishing death to all that holds me back. My fears, my physical attributes, my lack of insight, discomfort. I'm closer than I've been in a long time. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...Happy Birthday Marv!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Flavor of the Day: Inspiration?

What inspires you? There is so much out there to be inspired by it can be overwhelming. Some people wake up and get inspired. Others see the spouses, friends or kids and get inspired. There are so many stories about how bad it is or how good it is that it is easy to get inspired. It is also easy to feel paralyzed by inspiration. During the last presidential election many were inspired by change abut never asked the question, "How can I change things when my inspiration changes so much?"

Many people quickly come to the realization that they can not save the world. Sometimes that realization comes too late. It comes when they are brokenhearted about their failure to save their inspiration.

My advice: FOCUS!!!! Say it whenever you get pulled by your soft heart. Pray that what you can not handle will be taken care of. FOCUS!!!