Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Flavor of the Day: Inspiration?

What inspires you? There is so much out there to be inspired by it can be overwhelming. Some people wake up and get inspired. Others see the spouses, friends or kids and get inspired. There are so many stories about how bad it is or how good it is that it is easy to get inspired. It is also easy to feel paralyzed by inspiration. During the last presidential election many were inspired by change abut never asked the question, "How can I change things when my inspiration changes so much?"

Many people quickly come to the realization that they can not save the world. Sometimes that realization comes too late. It comes when they are brokenhearted about their failure to save their inspiration.

My advice: FOCUS!!!! Say it whenever you get pulled by your soft heart. Pray that what you can not handle will be taken care of. FOCUS!!!